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Gratis advies

Nadat we uw informatie hebben ontvangen, maken we een afspraak voor een gratis en vrijblijvend consult om uw situatie volledig te beoordelen en ons een beter inzicht te geven in hoe we u kunnen helpen.

Wij zorgen voor een oplossing

Afhankelijk van de complexiteit van uw situatie geven wij u de juiste informatie die u nodig hebt of brengen wij u in contact met een gespecialiseerde belastingadviseur die u verder helpt.

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Veelgestelde vragen

Het Amerikaanse belastingstelsel, de verplichtingen en alle bijkomende termen begrijpen kan moeilijk zijn. Vooral als men buiten Amerika woont. Is uw vraag niet beantwoord? Neem contact met ons op.


Services for American citizens living abroad

We help Americans abroad to become US tax compliant in an organised way and avoid unnecessary double taxation. Based on your personal situation, we give you information and introduce you to the appropriate US tax advisor in our Americans Overseas network to help with your tax filings free of charge and free of any obligations.

US tax return (Form 1040)

A US person needs Form 1040 to report their annual income and file their federal income tax return to the IRS. It is used to calculate the amount of taxes they owe or the refund they are due.


FBAR filing

A US citisen needs to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), also known as FinCEN Form 114, if they have a financial interest in or signature authority over foreign financial accounts.

FBAR filing

Amnesty Program

These programs, also known as voluntary disclosure programs, give taxpayers the opportunity to come forward and correct their tax returns without facing criminal prosecution or significant penalties.

Amnesty Program

Streamlined Procedure

The Streamlined Procedure is available for U.S. Citizens living abroad as well as for U.S. taxpayers living in the U.S. and it requires the submission of three years of tax returns and six years of FBARs, along with certain certifications.

Streamlined Procedure

Social Security Number (SSN)

A US person requires a Social Security Number (SSN) for several purposes such as filing a tax return, applying for a US Passport, and opening a bank account.

Social Security Number