Pay in monthly installments

The convenience of paying in installments

The convenience of paying in installments.
Would you rather not pay the invoice for the US tax return in one go? Due to popular demand, you can now also pay in installments at Americans Overseas.


Advantages of paying in installments:

  • You pay in installments and no longer have a large invoice amount after completing the tax return
  • You no longer need to pay an annual down payment
  • the monthly amounts are automatically deducted from your account

In short, you no longer have to worry about it and you no longer have to pay the bill in one go.


How does it work?

  • We collect a fixed monthly amount plus € 2.50 service costs, you will always receive an invoice by email.
  • The monthly debit is always on the 28th of the month.
  • The down payment and the collected installment amounts are deducted from the final invoice of the tax return. You only have to pay the remainder.
  • You can always cancel on a monthly basis.


Are you already working on the Streamlined Procedure and do you want to start payment in installments right now?

Click on this payment link,


Americans Overseas will deduct a monthly amount of € 200,- plus € 2,50 service costs from your bank account automatically. Easy and transparent.


Are you already working on it, or do you want to start the US Annual Tax return and do you want to pay in installments?

Click on this payment link.

Americans Overseas will deduct a monthly amount of € 45,- plus € 2,50 service costs from your bank account automatically. Easy and transparent.

Do you have any questions?

Please email or call us, we are happy to answer!


Contact us for more information