When are you a US citizen?

Michael Littaur

2 min
Published on: 20-05-2016 Last modified on: 25-09-2024

When are you considered a US Citizen?

When are you a U.S. citizen?

This isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. We have quoted the text from the American Citizenship organization. Please refer to their website to find out more information as it pertains to your own personal situation.

A person may become a United States citizen by birth or through naturalization. Generally, if you are born in the United States, or born to US citizens, you are considered to be a US citizen. Unless you are born to a foreign diplomat. You are also considered to be a US citizen at birth if you were born in Puerto Rico, Guam, or the US Virgin Islands. Your birth certificate will be your proof of your US citizenship.

Also considered an American citizen

If you were born abroad to parents who are both American citizens and at least one of them has lived in the United States at some time in his/her life, you are also considered to be a US citizen. If you were born abroad,  your birth is registered with a US consulate or embassy. That record will be proof of your citizenship.

If you are born abroad to one United States citizen and one foreign citizen, you may be considered a US citizen if you meet the following requirements:

  • One of your parents was a US citizen when you were born.
  • The parent who is a US citizen has lived at least five years in the US before you were born.
  • The parent who is a U.S. citizen must have lived in the US for at least two of those five years following his/her fourteenth birthday.

If you’re considered a US citizen, you must file tax returns with the IRS.

Questions about US tax returns and the US citizen?

We, the founders of Americans Overseas, were born in the Netherlands and obtained our American nationality through our (American) mother.

When we heard about the US tax system for the first time around 2013, we were in total disbelief (it can’t be true!), anger (how can they do this?), fear (am I going to get fined or pick up other problems?), and panic (what should I do?). It is (unfortunately) true that there is an additional American tax levy. But there’s no information from the local government, and when approached, the consulate referred us to the IRS, and the IRS was impenetrable.

That’s why we started this initiative to help people from all over the world by providing proper information about the US tax system to avoid unnecessary panic and offering help free of obligation and free of charge. If needed, we have a network of affordable professionals (accountants) who can help you with your American tax obligations.

Contact us for more information


Written by Michael Littaur


Michael Littaur, co-founder of Americans Overseas, discovered his U.S. tax liability only after selling his business. Together with Daan Durlacher, he founded Americans Overseas in 2014 to inform and support others with U.S. tax issues.

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When are you considered a US person (and taxable)?

When are you a US citizen? Watch this video to learn more